Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Web Marketing Ottawa

This past semester I finished teaching my Marketing Communications course at Algonquin (part-time studies) for the third time. It was fun and I finally managed to fit all the materials I had for the course in 14 weeks!

I look forward to the next semester when I will be teaching Persuasion and Pubic Opinion.

My SEO Ottawa business surely lead me to so many different things!

Check out website design Ottawa of mine as well.

Here are some of our new sites:
Website design Ottawa
Ottawa renovations
search engine optimization

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Google Announces Caffeine

Wow, the blogosphere is overwhelmed. We are all glued to our monitors reading about this new change, trying to figure out the implications. And there are implications, most certainly. I noticed the change in ranking yesterday. Google says there is no change in thel page rank algorhytm, but it seems to be there is at least some correlation/affect of Caffeine on everything else.

Will be keeping an eye on the search results for:

SEO Ottawa
Joomla website design

Wednesday, March 17, 2010